Risk Assessment of the Adverse Events in Air Transportation

Juris Maklakovs, Jevgēnijs Tereščenko, Vladimirs Šestakovs


In the field of security in transport distinguish risks related to flight safety and aviation security. Safety of flights is ensured through the reliability of aviation equipment and the qualification of the personnel who services and operates it, aviation security is a condition of protection from illegal interference in its activity. Risk management in civil aviation in the field of security is a relatively new direction of activity. Deep research in this area began only at the beginning of the XXI century. It is quite difficult to use the existing experience of risk management, accumulated in other spheres, as civil aviation has significant features. Various methods and schemes can be used to assess risks. The article discusses various options for predicting risks using the “event tree” and “risk factor tree” methods.


Aviation security; "event tree"; flight safety; risk assessment

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DOI: 10.2478/tae-2019-0001


1. Using Adverse Event Pyramids to Assess Probabilities in Airline Safety Management
Aleksandrs Bitinš, Juris Maklakovs, Ruta Bogdane, Rafał Chatys, Vladimir Shestakov
Transactions on Aerospace Research  vol: 2021  issue: 2  first page: 71  year: 2021  
doi: 10.2478/tar-2021-0012


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